Friday, December 7, 2007

Food Log — Thursday, Dec. 6

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
1 banana (1.5)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 serving Progresso Italian-Vegetable soup (0)
6 saltine crackers (2)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

Christmas party buffet
• 6 small meatballs (6)
• 1 deviled egg half (2)
• 2 small sugar cookies (3)
• 2 small creme puffs (5)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

22.5 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

The Christmas Party Buffet. This is when bad food happens to good people. I really have no excuse for eating SIX meatballs and FOUR sugary desserts, except that I was starving and my husband just sprung this little party thing on me. Lucky for me, I had those two extra activity points from walking in the afternoon, so I really only went .5 points over.

But really, at least last night's train-wreck of a dinner has taught me what I should not do at the other Christmas Party Buffet I have to go to tonight. Luckily I knew far in advance about tonight's party and was able to plan out what I was going to eat. I will take a fist-sized serving of pasta primavera, salad and one dinner roll. Desserts are pot-lucked and we're making some apple-oatmeal cookies out of the Weight Watcher's cookbook. I WILL stay on point tonight (and hopefully won't have to use those activity points to do so)!

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