Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday Weigh-In

Last week's weight — 132 pounds
This week's weight — 132 pounds (unofficially — 131 pounds)

Well, thank god, I didn't gain any weight according to yesterday's 'official' weigh-in. I really thought I was going to, since I ate so terribly all weekend. Perhaps it will show up later in the week, but I put in a good workout yesterday (lots of hills) and have also planned out all my meals until February. That, my friends, is resolve.

The only days I didn't plan out are Christmas, New Year's Eve and two days in January when I'll be in Portland visiting my sister. I figured I would try to do Christmas like I did Thanksgiving and only take tiny portions of things and no seconds. New Year's Eve is probably going to be a crap-shoot full of alcohol and pizza. I'll try to be good, but let's be honest. I won't be. And then Portland, I don't know. I guess I'll be playing that one by ear.

This morning I weighed myself to make sure that I didn't gain any pounds in the night and found I was actually DOWN one pound! I know it doesn't count, since I already did my weigh-in, but if anyone asks I'll tell them my 'unofficial' weight: 131 pounds! I think I'll be checking the scale every day this week to see what happens.

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