Monday, December 17, 2007

Hoping the gain will be minimal

Well, last week sure didn't end pretty. On Friday I ended up not eating anything for dinner at all, except for a bite of my husband's hamburger (when he rebels against the healthy food, he rebels hard I guess) because we were going to go to the movies and I was planning on having popcorn. BUT, the darn movie was sold out, so we went for a ride in the country instead. We got home around 10 p.m. and I just went to bed (I definitely don't utilize my Friday nights to their full advantage anymore, the way I did in college!).

And then there was the weekend. I guess after my little post about not falling to the call of junk food I was in for a good karmic kick in the butt. We drove up to Eugene to Christmas shop and hang out with old college friends. I had a leftover falafel for lunch (good!) but immediately succumbed to the call of the cheeseburger and fries when we went to Applebees for dinner (bad!). I tried to order something off the WW menu, but it all looked so ... unappetizing. Nothing that would tempt my palate, I tell you. I only ended up eating 1/2 the burger though because apparently Applebees is so hard up for cash that they can't afford to put anything on their $9 'gourmet' cheeseburger. That's right, you heard me — it DIDN'T come with veggies or sauce on the burger and cost MORE to have them put on. It was the driest, blandest burger ever. At least the fries were good.

And yesterday. I'll try to forget the utter goodness that was yesterday. There were, um, countless gingersnaps, lots of potato wedges, two (fat-free!) hot dogs, 1 s'more and 3 additional marshmallows involved though. Yummmm ... I mean ugh!

Needless to say, I haven't done my weigh-In yet. I'm scared. I figured I'd do it after my 2-mile walk. You know, to be on the safe side.

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