Monday, December 31, 2007

Monday Weigh-In

Last week's weight — 130.5
This week's weight — 129.5

Yay! Finally ... FINALLY back into the 120s. I realize that I only just barely edged my way back into them and following the revelry and plain old drinking that will happen tonight I will quickly be back in 130 land. But I don't care. Officially, I am 129.5 pounds and that is one great way to end 2007!

For 2008, my goal is to, well, make it to my goal and also to follow that up by eating healthy food and maintaining my weight. I also realized during the last few weeks (when my weight almost refused to budge) that I really need to up the ante of my exercise routine. I walk two miles a day, five days a week already during my lunch break at work, but I think I really need to add a second two mile walk to that. Which will be hard initially (because when I get home from work and it's dark and cold the absolute LAST THING I want to do is go outside) but will ultimately become something I look forward to. I'm sure of it. I hope.

At least my dogs will be happy about it.

Happy New Year everyone!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Just some thoughts

I hate to see the holidays get over so quickly, but am eager for the near-constant supply of chocolates and peppermints and other little sugary, fatty holiday items to disappear from the office. At home I'm mostly good and plan out what I eat pretty well. But at work, where I spend most of my time I might add, those little goodies prove too hard to resist. I counted it up one week and I think I was eating at least a chocolate a day — most often two! I want that to end!


I started this whole thing out to lose weight, but more and more lately I've been focusing on being and eating healthy (as well as getting to my goal weight). I want to eat a colorful diet and choose (and enjoy!) foods that are really nutritionally good for me. Of course, I've got those things that I just CAN'T give up — ice cream being one of them, although I've recently started buying low-fat instead of regular (and it tastes exactly the same!). And there are those moments when I eat some pretty bad-for-me stuff. On the whole though, I've been pleasantly surprised at the way and the ease I've taken to the changes in my diet. My parents can attest to the fact that I was a notoriously picky eater. Most vegetables could make me gag. I had a few things I really enjoyed and didn't like to try new things. I'd rather eat out than in, although I didn't do that very much. I just wasn't very much fun at dinner time.
But in the past couple months I have been trying new stuff left and right. Brussels sprouts? Sure! Tofu? Bring it on! Lentils? Sounds great! And even more surprising is that almost everything I've tried has been terrific. Brussels sprouts, not so much. But almost everything else.


I've been hooked lately on a BBC America show called 'You Are What You Eat.' In it, a very formidable nutritionist takes obese people who eat horrendously and puts them on an 11-week detox diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, legumes and beans and usually small portions of oily fish. The people usually go through a host of tests, including a very gross portion of the show where the state of their poo is mulled over, and in the end they are declared lacking in most essential nutrients. To get healthy is as simple as eating those foods full of the things they're lacking and exercising more. The show is full of great information about different foods and what they provide to your body (for example, pumpkin seeds are chock-full of zinc and, among other things, can do wonders to your sex drive!). I've learned so much from watching this show and recommend it to anyone. I never really thought about my body being like a machine I needed to fuel and maintain, even though I grew up hearing that term. To me, eating food was enough. I wasn't actually thinking about whether the food I was eating had any nutritional value or not, or what nutrients I needed or what those nutrients did. Now, I know I'll be thinking about that when I plan my meals or go shopping.

Food Log — Saturday, Dec. 29

1 serving Special K cereal (3)

1 plain hot dog on bun (5)
1 tsp pumpkin seeds (1)
1 clementine (1)

1 rice cake (1)
1 serving homemade egg flower soup (7)
1/2 cup brown rice mix (3)

21 points

None today

Food Log — Friday, Dec. 28

1 non-fat yogurt (2)
1 clementine (1)
5 baby carrots (0)
16 fl oz water (0)

Baked falafel sandwich (7)
1 chocolate (1.5)
2 tsp pumpkin seeds (2)
4 cups unbuttered popcorn (4.5)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

18 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Food Log — Thursday, Dec. 27

1 non-fat yogurt (2)
1 clementine (1)
6 baby carrots (.5)
16 fl oz water (0)

1/2 serving cheese-less veggie pizza (3)
1 tsp pumpkin seeds (1)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 cup homemade egg-flower soup (7)
1 cup yakisoba noodles (3)
1/2 cup tofu and vegetable stir-fry (1)
16 fl oz water (0)

18.5 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk with hills (+2)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Food Log — Wednesday, Dec. 26

1 non-fat yogurt (2)
1 clementine (1)
5 baby carrots (0)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 tortilla/tomato sandwich (4.5)
5 baby carrots (0)
1 tsp pumpkin seeds (1)
1 dark chocolate cherry cordial (1)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 WW mac & cheese (5)
1/2 cup brown rice mix (3)
1/2 cucumber (0)
1/2 cup low-fat ice cream (2)
16 fl oz water (0)

19.5 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Monday Weigh-In (on Wednesday ... better late than never, right?)

Last week's (official) weight — 132 pounds
This week's weight — 130.5 pounds

Try as I might have this past week, my weight still didn't budge beyond 130.5 pounds. I'm not EXACTLY complaining because, jeez, I don't even know the last time I weighed 130.5 pounds. Maybe 3 years ago. But it's still kind of a bummer because I was hoping to be into the 120s this week. Darn holiday eating habits.

I probably over did it on the Christmas goodies yesterday, but am back in the saddle again today. I decided I didn't want to feel deprived on Christmas — it's only one day — and I wasn't going to gain all that lost weight back from one day of eating. And as good as those, um, five sugar cookies were, I am definitely looking forward to eating healthy stuff again. Who knew carrots, brown rice and cucumbers could be so appetizing?

Friday, December 21, 2007

Food Log — Thursday, Dec. 20

(Today's current weight — 130.5 pounds)

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
5 baby carrots (0)
1 mini peppermint patty (1)
1 piece of chocolate (1.5)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 serving Progresso vegetable soup (0)
6 saltine crackers (2)
1 tsp pumpkin seeds (1)
1/4 green bell pepper (0)
3 baby carrots (0)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 serving taco salad (7)
1/2 cup low-fat ice cream (2)
16 fl oz water (0)


40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Food Log — Wednesday, Dec. 19

(Today's current weight — 130.5 pounds)

1 non-fat yogurt (2)
1 apple (1)
1 mini peppermint patty (1)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 cup 'Albino' pasta (6)
5 baby carrots (0)
1 tsp pumpkin seeds (1)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 cup 'Albino' pasta (6)
1 mini bag low-fat popcorn (1)
1 piece of chocolate (1.5)
16 fl oz water (0)

19.5 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk with hills (+2)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Food Log — Tuesday, Dec. 18

(Today's current weight — 131 pounds)

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
1 small pear (1)
1 mini peppermint patty (1)

1 serving Progresso vegetable soup (0)
6 saltine crackers (2)
1 tsp pumpkin seeds (1)

1 cup 'Albino' pasta (6)
Salad with 2 tsp Italian dressing & 2 tsp feta cheese (2.5)
1/2 cup low-fat ice cream (2)

19.5 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk with hills (+2)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday Weigh-In

Last week's weight — 132 pounds
This week's weight — 132 pounds (unofficially — 131 pounds)

Well, thank god, I didn't gain any weight according to yesterday's 'official' weigh-in. I really thought I was going to, since I ate so terribly all weekend. Perhaps it will show up later in the week, but I put in a good workout yesterday (lots of hills) and have also planned out all my meals until February. That, my friends, is resolve.

The only days I didn't plan out are Christmas, New Year's Eve and two days in January when I'll be in Portland visiting my sister. I figured I would try to do Christmas like I did Thanksgiving and only take tiny portions of things and no seconds. New Year's Eve is probably going to be a crap-shoot full of alcohol and pizza. I'll try to be good, but let's be honest. I won't be. And then Portland, I don't know. I guess I'll be playing that one by ear.

This morning I weighed myself to make sure that I didn't gain any pounds in the night and found I was actually DOWN one pound! I know it doesn't count, since I already did my weigh-in, but if anyone asks I'll tell them my 'unofficial' weight: 131 pounds! I think I'll be checking the scale every day this week to see what happens.

Food Log — Monday, Dec. 17

1 nonfat raspberry yogurt (2)
1 apple (1)
1 piece of chocolate (1.5)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 whole-wheat tortilla sandwich with low-fat mayo (4.5)
1 tsp pumpkin seeds (1)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 cup homemade egg flower soup (7)
1 serving yakisoba noodles (3)
1/2 cup stir-fried vegetables (0)

20 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Hoping the gain will be minimal

Well, last week sure didn't end pretty. On Friday I ended up not eating anything for dinner at all, except for a bite of my husband's hamburger (when he rebels against the healthy food, he rebels hard I guess) because we were going to go to the movies and I was planning on having popcorn. BUT, the darn movie was sold out, so we went for a ride in the country instead. We got home around 10 p.m. and I just went to bed (I definitely don't utilize my Friday nights to their full advantage anymore, the way I did in college!).

And then there was the weekend. I guess after my little post about not falling to the call of junk food I was in for a good karmic kick in the butt. We drove up to Eugene to Christmas shop and hang out with old college friends. I had a leftover falafel for lunch (good!) but immediately succumbed to the call of the cheeseburger and fries when we went to Applebees for dinner (bad!). I tried to order something off the WW menu, but it all looked so ... unappetizing. Nothing that would tempt my palate, I tell you. I only ended up eating 1/2 the burger though because apparently Applebees is so hard up for cash that they can't afford to put anything on their $9 'gourmet' cheeseburger. That's right, you heard me — it DIDN'T come with veggies or sauce on the burger and cost MORE to have them put on. It was the driest, blandest burger ever. At least the fries were good.

And yesterday. I'll try to forget the utter goodness that was yesterday. There were, um, countless gingersnaps, lots of potato wedges, two (fat-free!) hot dogs, 1 s'more and 3 additional marshmallows involved though. Yummmm ... I mean ugh!

Needless to say, I haven't done my weigh-In yet. I'm scared. I figured I'd do it after my 2-mile walk. You know, to be on the safe side.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The falafel waffle

It's getting so much easier to say 'no' to things. You know, like those fatty, greasy foods that sometimes I really, desperately want to eat. There are times when I especially crave cheeseburgers and french fries — they were some of my favorite foods my whole life. But I've gone weeks without them and every time I get that hunger (all in my head, I know) I've been able to convince myself to eat something else. Something usually WAY more healthy.

My saving grace in all of this has been my husband. He has his moments where his food weaknesses become my food weaknesses (such as TWO lunches at the local favorite Chinese food restaurant in the last two weeks), but overall he is always game to eat whatever healthy, vegetarian fare I ask him too. Also, he is the cook in the family. He doesn't just EAT what I ask, he COOKS what I ask. Almost every day I come home with a new recipe and every evening he labors in the hot kitchen to make me something good to eat.

Last night he rebelled. I asked for the baked falafel sandwich recipe I'd seen on the WW website and he, obligingly, made them. The husband and I aren't new to falafel. We love falafel. In the past though he always deep-fried the patties, which he made from a mix he found in the natural foods section of the store. The recipe I asked him to cook last night called for making the falafel mix from scratch using chickpeas, onions and all sorts of spices, and then baking them in the oven.

I loved them. No, wait. I LOVED them. I seem to be loving everything I eat lately, but these were especially good. My husband, on the other hand, was less than pleased. In fact, he handed me what was left on his plate (which I gleefully gobbled up) and ordered himself a pizza.

And I? I said 'no thanks' to the slice he offered me, and I meant it too. It didn't look good and it didn't smell good. I would much rather have the falafel.

Food Log — Thursday, Dec. 13

1 nonfat strawberry yogurt (2)
5 baby carrots (0)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 whole wheat tortilla (1)
3 slices tomato (0)
1 slice cheddar cheese (3)
1 tsp mayo (1)
1 tsp mustard (0)
2 slices turkey bacon (1)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 1/2 servings baked falafel pita (9)
1/2 cup low-fat ice cream (2)
12 fl oz water (0)

19 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Food Log - Wednesday, Dec. 12

1 non-fat fruit yogurt (2)
1 pear (1)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 whole wheat tortilla (1)
4 slices tomato (0)
1 slice cheddar cheese (3)
1 tsp mayo (1)
1 tsp mustard (0)
1 piece turkey bacon (.5)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1/2 serving garlic chicken (4)
1/2 cup mashed potatoes (2)
salad with Italian-type dressing (2)
1/2 cup Dreyer's low-fat, slow-churned ice cream (2)

18.5 points

40 minutes, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Food Log — Tuesday, Dec. 11

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
1 apple (1)
16 fl oz water (0)

3 pieces of chocolate (4.5)
1/2 serving of homemade cheese-less pizza (3)
10 tortilla chips + salsa (2.5)

1/2 vegetarian sloppy joe (3)
1 WW carrot cake (1)

19 points

30 minute, 1.75-mile brisk walk with hills (+2)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Vegetarian 'Sloppy' Joes

I don't recall a time in my life when I was ever served real sloppy joes. I'm sure that it happened at some point, but I didn't care very much for them and didn't make a point of remembering. There's something, well, kind of yucky about real sloppy joes — all that meat and sauce and sloppiness.

The complete opposite is true with these. These vegetarian 'sloppy' joes are so good, that even though I ate them for dinner on Sunday (and had leftovers yesterday) I'm still thinking about them. Just one roll is a serving, and even though they are so tasty that you'd like to eat another one, they are extremely filling so that you don't have to.

But the best thing about them? They're not actually sloppy at all.

VEGETARIAN 'SLOPPY' JOES (6 points per serving — 3 points for filling, 3 points for the roll)

1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, drained and rinsed
8 rolls (homemade or kaiser work very well)

1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, celery, carrot, green pepper, and garlic: saute until tender. Stir in tomatoes, chili powder, tomato paste, vinegar, and pepper. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 10 minutes.
2. Stir in kidney beans, and cook an additional 5 minutes.
3. Cut a 1/4 inch slice off the top of each kaiser roll; set aside. Hollow out the center of each roll, leaving about 1/2 inch thick shells; reserve the inside of rolls for other uses.
4. Spoon bean mixture evenly into rolls and replace tops. Serve immediately.

Servings Per Recipe: 8
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 205
Total Fat: 3.9g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 580mg
Total Carbs: 35g
Dietary Fiber: 6.2g
Protein: 7.8g

Food Log — Monday, Dec. 10

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
1/2 banana (1)
32 fl oz water (0)

2/3 Mar Far Chicken plate at favorite Chinese food restaurant (!!!)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 homemade dinner roll (3)
1/2 cup vegetarian sloppy joe filling (3)
12 fl oz water (0)

28-ish points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Weigh-In

Last week's weight — 135 pounds
This week's weight — 132 pounds

...Wow! I hope that's right and my scale isn't malfunctioning or something because losing 3 more pounds would be awesome. ESPECIALLY since last weekend was the never-ending Christmas Party Buffet. You might notice that there are no food logs for Friday - Sunday. That's because I gave up. I did stick to my plan for dinner on Friday evening, but then promptly ate a piece of cherry cheesecake. And there was another party immediately following that party wherein I shared half a bottle of cheap champagne with a friend. So whatever points I hadn't blown on the cheesecake I downed with the bubbly.

I think I did manage to stay on points the rest of the weekend — barely — but I didn't eat very healthily at all. For instance, on Saturday I had a small piece of pizza for lunch (it was free at the local Fred Meyers) and for dinner I had 1/2 a large bag of unbuttered popcorn (we were at the movies). That was pretty much it. All day.

Oh, and on the subject of clothes, I did go ahead and pick up some more shirts. I needed them anyway and am happy to note that I'm back into a size small. I still need pants, but I think I'll wait just a little bit longer to pick those up. I saw a pair of khaki Dockers with a cut that I really liked, but when I showed them to my husband he shook his head.

"You can't get those," he said.

"Why not," I asked. "They're very cute."

"Because those are 'slimming' pants," he said. He pointed to the tag that did, indeed, say they were of a cut meant to slim bigger stomaches and hips. He then explained to me that I didn't need the pants because I was already slim.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Food Log — Thursday, Dec. 6

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
1 banana (1.5)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 serving Progresso Italian-Vegetable soup (0)
6 saltine crackers (2)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

Christmas party buffet
• 6 small meatballs (6)
• 1 deviled egg half (2)
• 2 small sugar cookies (3)
• 2 small creme puffs (5)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

22.5 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

The Christmas Party Buffet. This is when bad food happens to good people. I really have no excuse for eating SIX meatballs and FOUR sugary desserts, except that I was starving and my husband just sprung this little party thing on me. Lucky for me, I had those two extra activity points from walking in the afternoon, so I really only went .5 points over.

But really, at least last night's train-wreck of a dinner has taught me what I should not do at the other Christmas Party Buffet I have to go to tonight. Luckily I knew far in advance about tonight's party and was able to plan out what I was going to eat. I will take a fist-sized serving of pasta primavera, salad and one dinner roll. Desserts are pot-lucked and we're making some apple-oatmeal cookies out of the Weight Watcher's cookbook. I WILL stay on point tonight (and hopefully won't have to use those activity points to do so)!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

'Albino' Pasta

If I was going to die tomorrow morning and could choose anything at all to eat as my last meal, it might very well be a heaping dish full of fetticini alfredo. The creamiest white sauce, the most succulent cheesy flavor ... mmm. With a points value of 17, however, that really is something I would only eat if I were going to die tomorrow (or maybe if it was my birthday!). Fetticini alfredo is one of my most favorite meals in the world and since joining Weight Watcher's I've been hard pressed to find something nearly as good.

'Albino' pasta is no fetticini alfredo. But it is delicious in an understated sort of way, and you'll find yourself looking forward to having the leftovers for lunch.

ALBINO PASTA (6 points per serving)

1 (16 ounce) package dry pasta
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 or 2 teaspoon minced garlic
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.
2. In small saucepan, saute garlic a small amount of oil. Combine garlic, olive oil, and pasta in a bowl. Mix in parmesan cheese and add a sprinkling to the top.

Servings Per Recipe: 8
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 280
Total Fat: 9.3g
Cholesterol: 3mg
Sodium: 81mg
Total Carbs: 41g
Dietary Fiber: 1.9g
Protein: 9.2g

Food Log — Wednesday, Dec. 5

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 serving Progresso Italian-Vegetable soup (0)
6 saltine crackers (2)
1 mini York peppermint patty (1)
3 pieces of dried fruit (.5)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 vegetarian enchilada (6)
1 cup red beans and rice (3)
6 black olives (1)
1 WW vanilla fudge sundae cone (2)

19.5 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Food Log — Tuesday, Dec. 4

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
1 banana (1)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 cup sautéed Yukon potatoes (3)
1 tbsp Del Monte ketchup (0)
1 chocolate mint patty (3)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 cup homemade egg flower soup (6)
1 serving Yakisoba noodles (3)
1/2 cup stir-fried vegetables (0)
1 WW mini carrot cake (1)
16 fl oz water (0)

21 points

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Monday Weigh-In

Well, the numbers are in folks:

Last week's weight — 137 pounds
This week's weight — 135 pounds

Another 2 pounds gone!

OK, so NOW I weigh 135 pounds. It's a very big relief, to finally weigh what I considered an acceptable weight for myself for so long. It will be an even bigger relief to weigh less than that, to finally drop down into what I consider an 'ideal' weight, which is anywhere from 125 to 120 pounds. I briefly thought about trying to get down to 115 pounds, but then I realized how silly that would be. I weighed 117 pounds when I was a teenager. I'm not a teenager anymore. I'm not even close, sadly. So think I shall leave all the 'teens,' age and weight, behind me forever.

The sad side effect to losing all this weight is the fact that my favorite pair of pants no longer fits. They were relatively new too. I got them in August when I went home to visit my parents. My mom took me shopping and we found the cutest pair of green khakis. I fell in love with them. However, at that point I was still around 150 pounds and had to buy them in a size 10. I'd never been in a size 10 before and this was what really got the ball rolling for this whole weight loss journey. In any event, I'm back down to a size 7/8 pant and sporting the 'saggy butt' look with my green khakis. I'm very sad about this, probably more sad than I should be about a pair of pants, but I don't find good pants that I really like very often. And by very often I mean EVER.

Sigh. I really loved those pants. But the pounds? Nope, glad those are gone.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Food Log — Saturday, Dec. 1

1 cup cereal (3)
1/2 cup fat-free milk (1)

1 cup 'Albino' pasta (6)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)
1 apple (1)

1/2 small lean steak (2)
1 cup mashed potatoes (3)
4 small pieces baguette (3)
3 cups plain, air-popped popcorn (1)
16 fl oz water (0)

20 points

Food Log — Friday, Nov. 30

1 Morning Glory muffin (4)
1 apple (1)
32 fl oz water (0)

3/4 of a 'Mar Far Chicken lunch special' at the local chinese food restaurant* (??)

1 WW Vanilla Fudge ice cream sundae (2)
12 oz Diet Coke (0)

Uh...let's say something like 27

40 minute, 2-mile brisk walk (+2)

* My husband has been whining for MONTHS, seriously, about going out to eat at our favorite chinese resaurant. Since it's the season of giving, I decided to give in and go. And since I was going, I decided to just go ahead and order my favorite dish. I didn't bother counting what I ate, but I will not use any more of my weekly Flex points this week. And then, because why stop there, I just had an ice cream cone for dinner. Healthy.

Food Log — Thursday, Nov. 29

1 large bagel (6)
2 tsp regular cream cheese (2)
16 fl oz water (0)

1 serving WW Progresso soup (0)
1/4 cucumber (0)
12 fl oz Diet Coke (0)

1 cup 'Albino' pasta (6)
Salad with 2 tsp low-fat Italian dressing (1)
2 1/2 small pieces baguette bread (2)
2 small pieces chocolate (3)
16 fl oz water (0)

20 points

40-minute, 2-mile brisk walk with hills (+2)