Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A note on the Parmesan Turkey Meatloaf

Right after eating the Parmesan Turkey Meatloaf (PTM from now on) for dinner two nights ago I wrote a little note in my daily food log about how PTM wasn't like the REAL meatloaf I grew up eating. Well, I have to confess that now, two days and three PTM meals later, I can't even remember what the other, "real" meatloaf tasted like. PTM is GOOD. It's so good I ate the leftovers for lunch AND dinner! And my mom was right — I never ate leftovers growing up. I hated the way they tasted when they were reheated. But, and I can't stress this enough, it was just so GOOD! So I take back what I said about PTM. It DOES deserve to be called meatloaf.

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