Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mid-week weight surprise

So I weighed myself this morning to see how I was doing and the scale reported back to me that I was a mere 123.5 pounds! I know that I can't officially count this as my weight, as it's not weigh-in day, but ... SQUEE! 123.5 pounds!

Just wanted to add: I think that when my mom joined the program it kick-started me into wanting to be a better weight-watcher again. So, thanks mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are WELCOME!!! I'm actually enjoying this. I hate weighing myself daily. Unless its a loss. Too many times in the past I'd weigh and there would be a gain, albeit, water weight. I'm being true to the "Lifestyle". Congrats on the 1.5 lb. loss this week. Everyday is a test, like life.